Sunday, 1 May 2011

Web Standards

To be honest, before I was given this topic of Web Standards to talk about, I never really thought about the accessibility of the internet to people with disabilities. For me using the internet is easy as I have no disabilities but I never thought about people with disabilities such as being blind or deaf and what they have to go through.

To me Web Standards makes it easier for people with special needs to use the web such as blind people may have their computer read web pages to them. Other people which have poor eyesight may have pages rearranged and magnified for easier reading and people using hand-held devices can search the web just as easily as those using high-end workstations.

In 1994, the 'World Wide Web Consortium' was founded by Tim Berners-Lee . This consortium is also known as W3C. It was established with the intention of leading the Web to its full potential, therefore it is here where Web Standards were created.

So after researching web standards it is clear to see that it is very important issue as the internet is being used by everyone these days and even though you have a disability using the internet should be easy to access.....

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