Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Giving up technology!!!!!!!!!???????

Yes i did it! I gave up technology for a whole weekend. Wel I only gave up the internet for the whole weekend not all technology. As I work as a waitress in the Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross all weekend and have no social life because of it, it was super easy for me to give up the addictive Facebook and checking my emails.

I have to say I found this very easy to give up the internet because I am never really on the computer at the weekend but I am during the week but this is to do college work (sort of)!!! The one thing I could certainly not give up is my phone as apart from it being now my new right arm, it is needed for work as my hours of work are always changing so I must have it with me at all times according to my mean boss!!!!

So thats it giving up the internet is not hard for me but for others that I know it was an impossible task. So if you are like me with no social life at the weekend give it a go and see if it can be done....!!!

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